Programme Committee
- Dragan
(Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- Muffy
(Glasgow, UK)
- Sadie Creese
(QinetiQ, UK)
- Michael Goldsmith
(Formal Systems, UK)
- Michael
(Cambridge, UK)
- John
(Intel, USA)
- Gerard
- Michael
(Imperial College, UK)
- Antonin
(Masaryk Brno, Czech Republic)
- Orna
Kupferman (Hebrew University, Israel)
- Marta
(Birmingham, UK)
- Ranko
(Warwick, UK) [co-chair]
- Michael
(Düsseldorf, Germany)
- Rajagopal
(Warwick, UK) [co-chair]
- David Nowak
(University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Paritosh
(TIFR, India)
- Jakob
(Microsoft Research, USA)
- Markus
(Wales Swansea, UK)
- Bill
(Oxford, UK)
- Jim
(York, UK)
Organising Committee
Photo Gallery
Photos of the whole event can be found here. Scope The aim of this workshop is to encourage interaction and
exchange of ideas among members of the international research
community. Particularly, we hope to achieve integration and transfer of
knowledge between academia and industry.
The workshop subject is to be interpreted broadly and
inclusively. It covers all aspects of automated verification (model
checking, theorem proving, specification, etc) pertaining to various
types of critical systems, be it safety-critical, business-critical, or
The technical programme will consist of invited talks, regular
papers, and short presentations. The workshop will be relatively
informal, with an emphasis on discussion.
The Call for Papers is available in PDF
format here.
The Poster for AVoCS '05 (A3 size, full
colour) is available in PDF format here.
Please feel free to print a copy and advertise in your department.
Previous AVoCS workshops were held at the University of Oxford
(2001), the University of Birmingham (2002), the University of
Southampton (2003), and the Royal Society in London (2004).
Topics include:
- Specification and Refinement
- Requirements Capture and Analysis
- Model Checking: Theory, Tools and Applications
- Abstract Interpretation
- Theorem Proving
- Software and Hardware Verification
- Verification of Probabilistic and/or Real-Time Systems
- Verification of Distributed Protocols including Security
- Performance and Dependability Evaluation
- Case Studies
Contributions should have relevance to critical systems in a
broad sense. Two types of contributions will be considered:
- Regular papers
- Papers must be 15 pages maximum in length, using the
AVoCS '05 LaTeX macro package obtainable at http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs/
Authors should follow the instructions on that
- Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Submission
information is given below.
- All regular papers will be refereed.
- Short presentations
- Abstracts should be submitted in plain text format to
workshop email
- Suitable for short presentations are brief
communications, work in progress and postgraduate student work.
- Allocation of short presentations will be done on a
first come, first served basis.
Invited speakers
- Cliff Jones (Newcastle, UK)
- James Worrell (Tulane, USA)
The workshop programme can be found here.
Preliminary proceedings will be published by the University of
Warwick and distributed at the workshop. They will include preliminary
versions of regular papers, and abstracts of short presentations.
After the workshop, authors of regular papers will have an
option to prepare a final version for ENTCS proceedings, and to submit
a full version for a special issue of a high-quality international
Submission of Papers
Please submit your paper through the AVoCS'05
submission system. If you encounter any difficulties, please send a
message to the workshop email address.
Venue & Travel Information
The workshop is based around Arden House, a conference facility on
the Westwood Campus of the University
of Warwick. Arden House is managed by Warwick Conferences,
and further details about it are available on their website. The Getting Here section of the same
website contains maps and travel directions.
The talks will be in Felden Hall, across the road from
Arden. Participants should pick up workshop materials, including
proceedings, on Monday morning between 9am and 11am from Felden Hall.
Lunches will be in Arden, and dinner on Sunday is a buffet service, also
at Arden, available between 8:00pm and 9:00pm.
The workshop dinner will be
in Scarman House. Arden and Scarman are marked clearly on this map.
Participants with regular accommodation will have rooms and
breakfasts in Arden House.
Participants with student accommodation will also be given
rooms in Arden
House. This is a last-minute change.
One or more of the organisers will be available at Arden House from 7.45 p.m. until 9.30 p.m. Sunday, if anyone needs assistance.
AVoCS '05 Registration
Please use the following table to calculate your dues. All amounts
are in British pounds.
Workshop Fees |
Accommodation per night incl breakfast |
Dinner Sun night |
Dinner Mon night |
Regular |
90 |
65 |
20 |
25 |
Students |
60 |
35 |
20 |
25 |
The workshop fee includes a copy of the pre-proceedings. It
includes lunch on both days and coffee and tea. In addition, you can
sign up for dinner on Sunday night.
All meals are three-course and prepared by chefs on the premises for
Warwick Conferences. There will also be a workshop dinner on Monday
Housing is on the Warwick campus. The accommodation for all
participants is in Arden House, which is of a quality comparable to a
4-star hotel. All accommodation is ensuite and
includes breakfast. We have reserved a block of rooms for Sun and Mon
night. If a longer stay is required, it should be possible to arrange.
To register, please copy and paste this
form into an email and send to the workshop email address as soon
possible, and by 4 September 2005.
If you are paying by cheque, please post it to AVoCS '05, C/o
Catherine Pillet, Department of Computer Science, University of
Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. The cheque should be in pounds sterling
and payable to the University of Warwick.
WorldPay secure credit card payment system
If you would like to pay by credit card, please send us the
completed registration form. Then enter your name and total dues below
and click on 'Enter WorldPay'. Please note that the
university does not accept
American Express or Diner's Club cards.
Important dates
16th June: Extended
submission deadline for regular papers
18 July: acceptance notification
25 July: updated regular papers for printed
12-13 September: workshop
Important Note: Short presentations will be accepted
on a first-come, first-served basis until the 25th July.
Workshop email address: avocs05 <AT>