Academic History

n       1985 to 1993 Received all my academic degrees (BSc, MSc, PhD) from Probability and Statistics Dept., Peking University, P.R, China

n       October 1993 to June 1996 Supported by the A. von Humboldt Foundation of Germany and CNR of Italy, I spent around three years in Germany and Italy.

n       March 1996 to May 2000 Principle Investigator (deputy head of the Computational Neuroscience Lab.), The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, CB2 4AT, UK.

n       June 2000 to December 2004 Reader, Department of Informatics, Sussex University, UK

n      2005 June to 2008 May Visiting Professor, Department of Informatics, Sussex University, UK

n       2005 Jan to Now Professor, Centre for Scientific Computing and Computer Science, Warwick University, UK

n       2008 Jan. to Now  Professor of Mathematics and Director of Computational Systems Biology Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai, PR China


n       2011 May to Now  Professor of Biology School, Fudan University, Shanghai, PR China