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Research Report CS-RR-345

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Mike Joy and Michael Luck, Plagiarism in Programming Assignments (June 16, 1998).


There number of students following programming courses is steadily increasing at the same time as access to computers and networks is readily available. There is a significant minority of students who -- for a variety of reasons -- take advantage of the available technology and illicitly copy other students' programming assignments and attempt to disguise their deception. Software that can help tutors to detect plagiarism is therefore of immense assistance in detecting -- and so helping to prevent -- such abuse. We introduce a novel approach to designing such software which performs well in comparison to sophisticated software available elsewhere, yet is simple both in concept an in implementation. Our approach reduces substantially the effort needed to upgrade to new programming languages, and has been tested on a variety of classes and several different programming languages.

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M.S. Joy and M. Luck, "Plagiarism in Programming Assignments", IEEE Transaction on Education 42(2), pp. 129-133 (1999)

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