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Georgina Cosma and Mike Joy, Source-code Plagiarism: A UK Academic Perspective
In computing courses, students are often required to complete tutorial and laboratory exercises asking them to produce source-code. Academics may require students to submit source-code produced as part of such exercises in order to monitor their students’ understanding of the material taught on that module, and submitted source-code may be checked for similarities in order to identify instances of plagiarism. In exercises that require students to work individually, source-code plagiarism can occur between students or students may plagiarise by copying material from a book or from other sources.
We have conducted a survey of UK academics who teach programming on computing courses, in order to establish what is understood to constitute source-code plagiarism in an undergraduate context. In this report, we analyse the responses received from 59 academics.
This report presents a detailed description of what can constitute source-code plagiarism from the perspective of academics who teach programming on computing courses, based on the responses to the survey.