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Threads Example 8.2: Max Priority

 * Adapted from The Java Tutorial, 
 * Second Edition, Campione, M. and 
 * Walrath, K.Addison-Wesley 1998
public class MaxPriorityTest{
  public static void main(String[] args){	
	ThreadGroup groupNORM = new ThreadGroup(
	                "A group with normal priority");
	Thread priorityMAX = new Thread(groupNORM, 
			        "A thread with maximum priority");	
	// set Thread's max priority to MAX_PRIORITY (10)
	// set ThreadGroup's max priority to normal (5)
	System.out.println("Group's maximum priority = " + groupNORM.getMaxPriority());
	System.out.println("Thread's priority = " +

Ananda Amatya