Genetic and Functional Characterization of the areas in the Human Connectome Project Brain Atlas

Thank you for using this package to characterize regions of the HCP Brain Atlas, for functions and genes related to each region. The method is described by Liu, Rolls, Zhang, Ugurbil and Feng as in [1] below. The function-related characterization was performed using the Neurosynth approach. The genetic characterization was performed using the Allen Brain Atlas --[Download V1.0]


Fig. 1. An example [1].


This is a Matlab GUI for finding associations of HCP brain regions both functionally and gene-expression-related. It is still in development, so any feedback from you would be appreciated. Free for acadamic use only. After downloading the zip file and unpacking it into a directory in the Matlab path the GUI will become available if you type in


or click on it. Then the use of this toolbox should be straightforward.


This package has been developed by Jianfeng Feng's group at Fudan and Warwick, and is described in the following paper

[1] Genetic and Functional Characterization of the areas in the Human Connectome Project Brain Atlas in preparation, 2017.


e-mail:, last updated by Jianfeng Feng at 19:30 7/Feb/2017.