Postdoctoral Position in Complexity Theory at Warwick

A postdoc position in computational complexity theory and related areas is available in the research group of Igor Oliveira at the University of Warwick. The position offers flexible conditions and comes with generous travel support. The start date is negotiable. The position is available for up to 22 months.

In addition to joining one of the leading theory groups in Europe, you will be a member of the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) and have the opportunity to take part in a number of local activities jointly organised with Imperial College London and the University of Oxford as part of our Complexity Network.
Warwick is also home to the Oxford-Warwick Complexity Meetings, which covers exciting new developments in complexity theory.

To be considered, please send an email to Igor Oliveira
 (igorcarb@gmail.comwith your CV and a list of publications. Applications submitted before 20/January/2022 will receive full consideration. Applications received after this deadline will still be considered until the position is filled. Informal enquiries are also welcome.
