Lecture M1: Overview and Introduction
Overview of the module
4 parallel streams of activity:
Case studies:
Vehicle Cruise Controller Simulation (VCCS)
Railway Station Animation
Digital Watch Simulation
Tutorial Introduction to Software Tools
Practical exercises, based on a cricket and railway simulation
Administrative issues
Introductions to Personnel
• papers
[B92] and references therein
Booch, Deutsch, Backus, Harel, Cantwell-Smith, Baldwin
• books
William James, Lamb, Davis
• software
public files in the ~wmb/public/demos directory
sources for the translators and interpreters
• documentation
eden and scout, theses
online documentation is accessible on www via the
Empirical Modelling
link in the Software Research section for the Dept entry
Definitive Principles for Modelling and Programming?
WHY? motivation & philosophy
VCCS as a case study WHAT?
HOW? software prototypes
Themes of the Module
problems of general-purpose parallel programming
bound up with fundamental issues and concepts
in concurrent systems modelling
can't be properly addressed
in the traditional mathematical manner by
"abstracting away from the application"
concerned with relationship between form and content
and content involves real-world illustrations:
the electronic cat- flap, the railway station animation
the room layout, the cricket simulation etc.
get new perspective on programming in general
and parallel programming in particular
BUT – warning!
• won't always directly address
concurrency / conventional programming
Introducing the Vehicle Cruise Control Simulation (VCCS)
Software case-study considered by Booch and Deutsch
Our version due to Ian Bridge and Simon Yung
Source available in ~wmb/public/demos/cruise
Dynamic model of vehicle <--> family of Eden files (ref main.e)
Visualisation and interface file is cruise.s.
Two ways to view:
Animation of requirements for reactive system.
Exercise in engineering design and simulation.
Construct and animate agent-oriented model by:
• identifying state-changing agents in the VCCS
• describing their roles
• creating an interface for designer to play the role of the driver:
simulating operation of brake, accelerator and cruise controller
Components of the animation display ....
• vehicle, with forces acting on it
• speedometer
• cruise control interface
• brake and accelerator
• position of vehicle on road
• clock, displaying time elapsed in simulation
• internal throttle position, indicating effects of use of accelerator and action of the automatic throttle
Functions performed in the simulation ....
• dynamic model of the vehicle, based on environmental forces and power output of the engine
• controller with simple feedback mechanism
• switches and buttons for the driver to operate
More significant than what simulation does is how it is evolving:
• simulation was developed incrementally
• dynamic model and visualisation were independently developed
• designer can make further changes easily
• model has explanatory power
designer can explore the roles of the component agents and the way in which they interact.
Key idea: modelling based upon observation and experiment.
M1.2. Nature and structure of the VCCS specification
Prototyping based on 3 software tools developed at Warwick:
eden an evaluator / engine for definitive notations [YWY]
donald a definitive notation for line-drawing
scout a definitive notation for text and window layout [YPY]
eden = interpreter for a general-purpose programming language.
donald and scout = translators that act as preprocessors for eden.
A definitive notation
is a simple formal language
used for expressing scripts of definitions of the form:
variable = function of other variables and constants.
Warning! definition ia a technical term in this module
and we (ab?)use the term definitive to mean "definition-based"
Definitive notations characterised by
• the types of the variables on the LHS
• the operators that can occur on the RHS
Values of the variables <--> observable quantities
E.g. in donald – a definitive notation for line drawing
• variables define points and lines in the plane
• donald script defines a 2d line-drawing
Basic principle
A definitive script is viewed as defining a state:
to change the state, typically
redefine a variable in the script, or else
introduce a new definition
The prototyping tools
Most of our software prototyping uses a UNIX pipeline:
scout <inputfile> | donald | eden
In the cruise.s file, scout, donald and eden definitions are
differentiated via the %scout, %donald and %eden annotations.
Have X-application tkeden combining scout, donald and eden.
For practical work, use
tkeden <inputfile>
Pipeline approach still useful for
• interfacing our tools with other system utilities
• accessing other definitive notations (e.g. ARCA and CADNO)
• developing new definitive notations.
Examples of scout and donald extracts from the script:
< the SPEEDO window >
<the speedometer specification>
M1.3. Concepts behind the development of the VCCS
Ingredients in the development of an animation:
• analyse application to identify the agents
• identify observables needed to specify the interactions amongst the family of agents
• represent the role of agents using definitive scripts to describe the way in which observables are indivisibly linked in change
• animate observables and agent interactions within a computer model by visualisation and interface creation.
cf conventional engineering prototyping:
• perform experiments on components in isolation,
• observe how they respond
then predict how system will behave when compts are combined.
Nature of the VCCS computer model ....
computer model in VCCS
analogous to
experimental apparatus and measuring instruments
that make observables accessible to the experimentor
Techniques for construction
Techniques used
agent-oriented modelling + definitive representation of state.
agent-oriented modelling .....
uses a special-purpose notation LSD
to represent the interfaces between agents
definitive representation of state .....
uses scout, donald and eden definitive scripts
..... VCCS model = eden program, but conceptually
design is specified at a higher-level of abstraction
About the VCCS
LSD specification animated in main.e and associated files
This describes the dynamic model of the vehicle.
The screen display is described by the scout and donald scripts in cruise.s.
These enable the designer to inspect
• the state of the driver interface
• the behaviour of the cruise controller
• the state of the dynamic model.
What is the VCCS specification?
VCCS specification
≠ logical model of the circumscribed system behaviour
VCCS specification
= an approximate representation of a particular state –
resembling a set of experimental observations –
incorporating information about the expected effect
of changing a parameter in the experiment.
Concerned with
incomplete and uncertain knowledge
that is being acquired through experiment
and not
comprehensive and reliable knowledge
that has been acquired from experiment.
M1.4. Use and Development of the VCCS Script
= value in a physical system being modelled
in principle measurable by some appropriate experiment.
• knows state of the system in terms of all such observables
• considers effect of changing parameters <--> observables
[Important distinction between
what agent can observe, and what agent can change]
Designer experiments:
change sampling rate of speed transducer
modify the layout of the speedometer
change mode of speed visualisation etc.
An important parallel
In principle – even in real engineering:
designer can treat every observable as a parameter
In practice doesn't make much sense to do so!
For example, don't usually change the force of gravity, or make the length of the vehicle inversely proportional to its speed.
Definitive script for VCCS
= a record of all observables of the system,
represented by variables in the script.
Redefinition of a variable = "changing a parameter".
In principle, any redefinition is interpretable
but only certain redefinitions are meaningful.
Views and States
VCCS script is a means to expressing knowledge
developing the script is not a completed process
Can be used and viewed in many ways, not nec preconceived
e.g. many different views of the vehicle cruise control system.
Default: state of the system (the "global state")
= comprehensive set of observables conceived by the designer
state to be understood relative to
a particular agent and to context for observation
e.g. IS state of the screen display
= layout of the windows and form of the graphical objects?
IF SO, relevant observables are scout / donald definitions
OR is state of the display conceived via behaviour over time
IF SO, consider speed and position of the vehicle etc.
Agent-oriented modelling for views
Characteristic set of observables associated with each agent
determines the state of the system relative to that agent.
Modelled by set of variables in a definitive script
Actions of an agent <--> privileges to change certain parameters
Modelled by redefinitions
How the speedometer script is interpreted: the designer agent.
How forces act in the model:
time = time' + 1
Driver operates buttons, applies brake
Plan of the Module
=> agent-oriented modelling + definitive representations of state
agent-oriented modelling definitive representations
of state
Closed World vs Open Development
... a conflict between two engineering cultures [Brödner]
One position, ... the "closed world" paradigm, suggests that all real-world phenomena, the properties and relations of its objects, can ultimately, and at least in principle, be transformed by human cognition into objectified, explicitly stated, propositional knowledge.
The counterposition, ... the "open development" paradigm ... contests the completeness of this knowledge. In contrast, it assumes the primary existence of practical experience, a body of tacit knowledge grown with a person's acting in the world. This can be transformed into explicit theoretical knowledge under specific circumstances and to a principally limited extent only .... Human interaction with the environment, thus, unfolds a dialectic of form and process through which practical experience is partly formalized and objectified as language, tools or machines (i.e. form) the use of which, in turn, produces new experience (i.e. process) as basis for further objectification.
empirical -> theoretical
observed -> believed
... developing skills, theories and instruments
(BBY) Agent-oriented Modelling for a Vehicle Cruise Control System
YPY Scout
Follow up: T1 for more technical details
Programming as Modelling for more discussion of principles
Useful material for elsewhere:
State cf mode (p32 Lamb)
mode = set of states
1. Externally visible behaviour of the system differs from one mode to another
2. The system moves from one mode to another when certain externally visible events happen.
Some of the ideas so new they haven't been thought up yet
In my experience the fact that Simon and Ian can do it doesn't prove that it's possible
Simon's idea of documentation is giving you the BNF grammar
1996 changes
www page title change (slide 1)
tkeden for xeden (slide 7)
closed world + open development slide added
need some illlustrative material re the VCCS to complement!!
idea of how we investigate programming as modelling: two worlds
Provisional Lecture Sequence March 1997
Overview and Introduction
General Principles of Empirical Modelling
A Perspective on Concurrent Systems
Introduction to Eden
Introduction to Definitive Notations
Empirical Modelling for the Single Agent
Concurrent Systems Modelling: Agentification, Artefacts, Animation
Agent-oriented Specification using LSD
Visualisation and Concurrent Systems Modelling
Introduction to Scout
Empirical Modelling as Explanatory Modelling
Concurrent Engineering for Concurrent Systems
The Abstract Definitive Machine
The ADM in Computer-Based Empirical Modelling
From Principles vs. Pragmatism to Principled Pragmatism
Extensions and Issues for Empirical Modelling
Provisional Lecture Sequence November 1998
Overview and Introduction
Introduction to Definitive Notations
Introduction to Eden
A Empirical Modelling Perspective on Concurrent Systems
Concurrent Systems Modelling: Agentification, Artefacts, Animation
The LSD Notation for Agent Specification
Artefacts in Visualisation and Concurrent Systems Modelling
Empirical Modelling as Explanatory Modelling
The Abstract Definitive Machine
The ADM in Computer-Based Empirical Modelling
Issues for Empirical Modelling, Future Directions and Projects