/******************************************************************* file : catflap.lsd date : 07.08.91 author : I.Bridge (as 'modernised' by wmb 11/11/97) notes : description of agents for a `catflap' system ********************************************************************/ TYPE flapPosTyp = ENUM (fpOut, fpVert, fpIn) lockPosTyp = SET OF ENUM (lpOut, lpIn) catIntTyp = ENUM (ciGoOut, ciStayPut, ciGoIn) pushDirTyp = ENUM (pdOut, pdIn)
AGENT flap { STATE lockPos : lockPosTyp flapPos : flapPosTyp ORACLE lockPos pushDir HANDLE flapPos PROTOCOL (pushDir == pdOut) AND NOT (lpOut IN lockPos) -> flapPos = fpOut /* open out */ (pushDir == pdIn) AND NOT (lpIn IN lockPos) -> flapPos = fpIn /* open in */ (pushDir == pdNone) -> flapPos = fpVert /* close */ }
AGENT man { ORACLE flapPos HANDLE lockPos PROTOCOL (flapPos = fpVert) /* change lock */ -> lockPos IN power_set(lockPosTyp) /* See Notes */ }
AGENT cat { STATE catInt : catIntTyp catPos : INTEGER // > 0 : outside // = 0 : at flap // < 0 : inside pushDir : pushDirTyp ORACLE flapPos HANDLE pushDir DERIVATE catEngag is (catPos >= 1) && (catPos <= 1); catObstr is (flapPos == fpVert) PROTOCOL (catInt = ciGoIn) AND catObstr /* push in */ -> pushDir = pdIn (catInt = ciGoIn) AND NOT catObstr /* walk in */ -> catPos = catPos - 1 (catInt = ciGoOut) AND catObstr /* push out */ -> pushDir = pdOut (catInt = ciGoOut) AND NOT catObstr /* walk out */ -> catPos = catPos + 1 NOT catEngag /* no push */ -> pushDir = pdNone TRUE /* decide intention */ -> intent IN catIntTyp }
The cat is engaged in getting through the flap when it is at or within a unit distance from the entrance (at position 0). Whilst engaged in the flap the cat must push in the direction required to open the flap or to keep it open. The feature of cat length has not been modelled.
Cat behaviour is totally non-deterministic (modelling an extremely fickle cat). The model is sufficiently realistic to encompass the eventuality that the cat changes its intentions whilst engaged in the flap (guaranteeing a safe outcome for the cat).