LSD Specification for a Cat Flap

        file    :       catflap.lsd
        date    :       1990
        author  :       S.Yung
        notes   :       Description of agents for a `catflap' system

AGENT flap() {
        (int)   lflap = 5       // the length of the flap
        (bool)  switch = true   // whether the electronic lock is operating
        (int)   fourWayLock = 0 // fourWayLock =
                                //    0 - the cat can pass through from either direction
                                //    1 - the cat can go out only
                                //    2 - the cat can go in only
                                //    3 - the cat cannot pass through from either direction
        (int)   Radius = 10     // range of the detector of the electronic lock
        (int)   angle = 0       // the inclination of the flap
        (bool)  pushOut
        (bool)  pushIn
        (int)   pos
        (bool) elecLock = abs(pos) > Radius AND switch
        (bool) canPushOut = angle != 0 OR !elecLock AND (fourWayLock == 0 OR fourWayLock == 1)
        (bool) canPushIn = angle != 0 OR !elecLock AND (fourWayLock == 0 OR fourWayLock == 2)
        pushOut AND canPushOut -> angle = |angle| + 1
        pushIn AND canPushIn -> angle = |angle| - 1
        !pushOut AND !pushIn AND angle > 0 -> angle = |angle| - 1
        !pushOut AND !pushIn AND angle < 0 -> angle = |angle| + 1

// the 4-way-lock is rotated only when the flap is closed AGENT man() { HANDLE-ORACLE         (bool)  switch         (int)   fourWayLock ORACLE         (int)   angle PROTOCOL         switch == false -> switch = true         switch == true -> switch = false         angle == 0 AND fourWayLock != 0 -> fourWayLock = 0         angle == 0 AND fourWayLock != 1 -> fourWayLock = 1         angle == 0 AND fourWayLock != 2 -> fourWayLock = 2         angle == 0 AND fourWayLock != 3 -> fourWayLock = 3 } 
AGENT cat() { STATE-HANDLE         (int)   height = 2      // height of the cat         (int)   pos             // pos > 0 - outside the house; < 0 inside the house         (int)   intention       // intention =                                 //     1 - is going out                                 //     0 - is staying put                                 //    -1 - is coming in ORACLE         (int)   lflap, angle DERIVATE-STATE         (bool) obstructOut = lflap * tan(angle) > pos > (lflap - height) * tan(angle) - 1         (bool) obstructIn = lflap * tan(angle) < pos < (lflap - height) * tan(angle) + 1 DERIVATE         (bool) pushOut = intention > 0 AND obstructOut         (bool) pushIn = intention < 0 AND obstructIn PROTOCOL         intention > 0 AND !obstructOut -> pos = |pos| + 1         intention < 0 AND !obstructIn -> pos = |pos| - 1         true -> intention = 1         true -> intention = 0         true -> intention = -1 }