The Screen Layout Modelling Process (1)

Three informal stages for specifying a Scout screen layout:

1. What should the screen display should look like?

What screen should display when start the Jugs program ...

Figure 5.1: A Sample Jugs Output

2. Identify the common relationships in the screen layout.

Design for the geometrical information of the Jugs output ...

Figure 5.2: Screen Layout Design

3. Transforms the information from steps 1 and 2 into Scout.

The Screen Layout Modelling Process (2)

Parts of the Jugs game screen layout in the Scout notation ...

point base = {1.c, n.r} # 1 char-width(.c) right and n char-height(.r) down from origin

box menu1box = [base, 1, strlen(pupilmenu1)]

# a box whose NE corner is at base, 1 char-height and strlen(menu1) char-width

box menu2box = [ + {1.c, 0}, 1, strlen(pupilmenu2)]

frame jugAboxes = ([, –(2+capA).r}, capA, 1],

[{(widthA+1).c, -(2+capA).r}, capA, 1],

[{0, -2.r}, 1, widthA+2])

frame jugBboxes = ([jugAboxes.2.sw + {2.c, -capB.r-1}, capB, 1], ...

box contAbox = [jugAboxes.1.sw+{1.c, -contA.r}, contA, widthA]

box messagebox = [ +{2.c, (capB/2).r}, 1, strlen(status)]


Listing 5.1: Definitions for Locations

string backgroundi = validi ? "black" : "white"

#reverse background if option invalid

string cA = repeatChar('~', widthA*contA)#use '~'s to represent water level

string jugA= repeatChar('|', 2*capA)//"+"//repeatChar('=', widthA)//"+"


window menu1window = {

frame: (menu1box); string: pupilmenu1;

bgcolour: background1; fgcolour: foreground1


# form window by putting string pupilmenu1 (what to display) in frame formed

# by a single box menu1box (where to display) displaying black on white or

# white on black depending the availability of the menu option (how to display)

window capAwindow = { frame: jugAboxes; string: jugA }

window contAwindow = { frame: (contAbox); string: cA }


display screen = ( menu1window / menu2window / ...

/ contAwindow / capAwindow / ... )

# screen represents the physical screen; it displays the windows listed.

# If windows overlap, menu1window overlays menu2window etc.

Listing 5.2: Other Scout Definitions

Cf. the traditional software development process

Steps 1 and 2 as (informal) specification

Step 3 as implementing the specification