Lecture T2: The LSD Notation for Agent Specification

T2.0 Background and Motivation

History of LSD and ADM

LSD notation

Characteristics of LSD specification and ADM simulation
  • LSD specification is oriented towards agent-interaction

  • cf user-interface designer not abstract formal specification

    Aim to represent

    cf human factors in system design cf engineering design
  •  modelling and simulation associated with LSD specification rooted in physical experiment and observation

  • ie complex specifications for systems can only be constructed by building and experimenting on components
    cf mimicing the global behaviour of a system without explicitly modelling the relationship between its component parts: cf formal specification, statistical simulation tools, naive physics

  • analysing agent characteristics in an LSD specification
  • T2.1. Form of the LSD specification of an Agent

    The LSD specification of an agent comprises 4 kinds of variable:

    oracle - a variable to which it responds

    state - a variable that it owns

    handle - a variable conditionally under its control

    derivate - an indivisibly coupled stimulus-response relation

    protocol = list of privileges of the form
    enabling condition -> sequence of actions

    LSD simulation is from a set of instances of specified agents

    each action either
    changes a parameter
    invokes / deletes an agent instance

    agent sm() { // The station master:

    state     (time) tarrive = |Time|, // registers time of arrival

    (bool) can_move = false, // determines whether driver can start engine

    (bool) whistle = false, // controls the whistle

    (bool) whistled = false; // remembers whether he has blown the whistle

    (bool) sm_flag = false, // controls the flag

    (bool) sm_raised_flag = false // remembers whether he has raised the flag

    oracle  (time) Limit, Time, // knows the time to elapse before departure due
    (bool) guard_raised_flag, // knows whether the guard has raised his flag

    (bool) driver_ready, // knows the driver is ready

    (bool) around[d] (d = 1 .. number_of_doors), // knows whether there's anybody around doorway

    (bool) door_open[d] (d = 1 .. number_of_doors) // the doors status

    handle  (bool) can_move, whistle, whistled, sm_flag, sm_raised_flag,
     (bool) door_open[d] (d = 1 .. number_of_doors) // partially controls the doors
    derivate  (bool) ready = ^ (! door_open[d]) | d = 1 .. number_of_doors), // monitors whether all doors are shut
        (bool) timeout = (Time - tarrive) > Limit; // monitors whether departure due
    door_open[d] ^ around[d] -> door_open[d] = false, (d = 1 .. number_of_doors)

    ready ^ timeout ^ ! whistled -> whistle = true; whistled = true; guard(); whistle = false,

    ready ^ whistled ^ ! sm_raised_flag -> sm_flag = true; sm_raised_flag = true,

    sm_flag ^ guard_raised_flag -> sm_flag = false,

    ready ^ guard_raised_flag ^ driver_ready ^ engaged ^ ! can_move -> can_move = true


    Terminology: illustrated by the VCCS LSD specification

    "variable" neutral term for oracles, states, handles and derivates:

    same identifier may appear in many agent specifications:
    all observations by different agents of the same thing i.e. of one observable

    e.g. observables subject to different modes of observation


    state for speed_transducer
    oracle for throttle_manager
    oracle for the driver


    state for cruise_cutout
    oracle for the driver
    oracle for the throttle_manager.
    oracle, state, handle, derivate characterisation <-> status of the observable with respect to the agent

    v-observation = observation of observable with identifier v

    In simulation - in general:

    identifier instances <--> different variables
    system designer identifies observables in LSD specification

    <--> what would record and subject to experiment to relate

    (pre-act-of-faith) behaviour of the system
    (post-act-of-faith) reliable activity of the components

    Classification of variables associated with an agent


    "variables bound to the agent"

    = observables associated with an agent that would disappear were the agent instance to disappear

    e.g. accel, windF, actSpeed, .... states of vehicle agent

    A state variable v is the primary source of all v-observations:

    at any time, all v-observations correspond to &le;1 state variable.

    state variable v = "authentic value" of v-observations

  • agent may not know authentic value of its state variables
  • ie variable may be an oracle and a state to the same agent
    eg "Time as recorded by my watch", or "my bank balance".
    Observer and actor agents tend to have few state variables

    e.g. no state variables associated with driver agent in VCCS

    Classification of variables (cont. 1)


    Constants =state variable, value not subject to change
    e.g. the physical parameters of the vehicle: mass, windK, rollK.
    In the VCCS as implemented, could vary some "constants" e.g.
    to take account of loading the vehicle
    to relate the wind resistance to the vehicle profile
    In anthropomorphic terms:
    an oracle = value as perceived by an agent.
    NB no guarantee that its value is accurate.

    an oracle is not simply an input

    e.g. actSpeed is state in vehicle though used by a derivate

    cf in the privilege

    !door_locked and !door_open -> door_open = true
    door is locked not referenced as an oracle to the door use

    Whether the door can be opened or not

    Classification of variables (cont. 2)


    handle = parameter agent can manipulate subject to certain enabling conditions being met
    a handle of an agent is not necessarily bound to the agent
    e.g. driver agent can change state variable engineStts of engine agent.
    cf an object-oriented modelling paradigm: where an object invokes a method to change its state

    v-handle and v-oracle co-exist => agent communication

    NB need assumptions about communication for animation

    e.g, the VCCS specification does not specify how vehicle speed,
    as measured by the speed_transducer, is communicated to the throttle_manager

    In animation:

  • might assume idealised communication
  • might refine the specification of the communication channel
  • Classification of variables (cont. 3)


    An agent's privileges to act make up its protocol

    agent acts subject to enabling conditions

    privilege = sequence of actions, conditionally executable

    e.g. if engine switched off, the driver can switch on, and v.v.

    No fixed set of rules to interpret agent protocols operationally

    Considerations include:

  • privileges are not obligations to act

  • e.g. in driver protocol; when the cruise controller switched on: driver can

    switch it off

    request it to maintain the vehicle

    either at the specified cruise speed
    or at the current measured speed
    reset the specified cruise speed.
    T2.2. Principles behind LSD specification for agents

    What the LSD specification addresses:

    The agent as Experimentor
    handle parameter that can be changed

    oracle parameter that can be observed

    derivate perceived dependency between observables

    Hooke's Law

    change load (handle) and observe extension (oracle)
    States and protocols have a more controversial role e.g.
    protocol may express a sequence of steps in experiment
    state may represent characteristic of the experimentor
    ? Scientific experiment not concerned with subjective observation

    Many distinctions to be made between kinds of experiment

    Use experimentation for developing conviction, skills, instruments

    e.g. timeless (Hooke's Law) vs time-based

    cf analogue variables, clocks and events

    More about behaviour

    Behaviour is a concept that presumes an objective observer

    Engineer postulates simultaneous values for all observables but can't in general simultaneously observe

    LSD doesn't define an unambiguous behaviour for a system.

    Issues for animation, even when presuming an objective stance

    e.g. Stationmaster illustrates

    derivate as an indivisible relationship as perceived by an agent

    derivate as an indivisible relationship as perceived by an agent
    NOT the same as a definition in animation from an LSD specification

    definition in animation <-> objective FD and synchronisation

    Illustrative example

    Spreadsheet user updates though cells yet to be made consistent

    if o1 is displayed value of cell1 and o2 is displayed value of cell2

    then the relation o2 = f(o1) is guaranteed only when up-to-date

    o2 is oracle to user to be observed after awaiting update

    cf protocol for an experimental observation

    Hence spreadsheet user perceives definitive relationships
    that aren't universally valid in the view of the objective observer

    oracle assumes subtle conventions re communication/observation

    User continues to enter data whilst the spreadsheet is still updating
    on premise that no other agent can interrupt the updating process

    Indivisible may not mean synchronised in time but not interruptable

    T2.3. Other Illustrative Examples


    Railway Station Animation

    Digital Watch

    Electronic Catflap
