Harel's statecharts and LSD agents

Harel's statechart concept = subtle mode of state representation

Can relate characteristics of statecharts to

presence of LSD agents

roles that LSD agents play

Idea: evident power of statechart abstraction has principled basis

T4.2.2. Case Study: The Digital Watch

cf Harel's statechart model for the digital watch

David Harel On Visual Formalisms CACM 1988, 31(5), p514-524


The statechart for the digital watch: an overview

statechart = state diagrams + depth + orthogonality

+ broadcast communication

cf Harel: On Visual Formalisms p522-525.

Digital watch statechart shows 3 of the 4 characteristic features

state diagrams: illustrated in update etc


being in the state of displays means

being in update, or in date, or in stopwatch, or in alarm etc

"being in displays encompasses being in update etc"


light, alarm-st and chime-st are orthogonal components

being in alive state is equivalent to

being in power, and in main, and in displays etc

[no use is made of broadcast communication.]


Other features

• default arrow --> default state entered

when entering an encompassing state

– for example, when watch is first alive:

power is OK, display shows time, light is off,

and alarm & chime are disabled.

• enter by history transition

state entered when entering an encompassing state

= the state which the system was in most recently

– for example, stopwatch:

remains in the same mode (e.g. displaying & running)

when return to display it after consulting current time.


An LSD specification for the digital watch

General idea:

pattern of state transitions depicted in the statechart


pattern of temporal coincidence between agents

Significance: statechart has a hidden agent-oriented basis

Construct LSD specification thus:


agents <--> non-composite states in the statechart

model the rest as states within these agents

=> watch(), displays() and alarm_st() become LSD agents

and is state variable alarm_st_s in alarm_st() agent

with value D(=1) or E(=2) alarm is disabled or enabled


Depth and orthogonality <--> two kinds of agent decomposition

depth ∫defining an agent via the roles it can play

a() = case a_s of {

1: a1();

2: a2();



Agent a() acts in one of several roles a1(), a2(), ... .

At any time a() is in at most one role

"playing a1() XOR playing a2() XOR ....".


∫defining an agent via parallel composition of subagents

a() = b() || c() || d() .....

Agents a(), b(), c() & d() all have same period of existence

Current state of agent a() is defined by

(current state of b() , current state of c() , current state of d() ... .)

Example of role construct:

displays() agent plays the role of

display_current_time() agent

or display_current_chime_time() agent

or display_current_date() agent

or display_current_stopwatch_time() agent etc.

Example of parallel construct:

watch() agent = parallel composition of several agents:

main() || light() || alarm_st() || chime_st().

[ NB deliberate omission of the power() agent ]



can interpret statechart as

specifying conditions for liveness of LSD agents

depth ∫an agent playing more and more specific roles

orthogonality agent represents agents operating in parallel


a() = parallel composition of b(), c(), d(), ...

=> agents b(), c(0 & d() have same lifetime as a()

a1() is one of the roles played by a()

=> lifetime of a1() is nested within the lifetime of a()

Comment on statechart abstraction

Actually depth and orthogonality not as general as LSD agents

– in LSD, an agent can spawn another independent agent

with unrelated period of existence from its creator

e.g. beep() agent in the statechart best conceived as

an independent beeping process

running in parallel with main() agent

[responsible for display functions]

until beeper is disabled.


Other hidden agents

function of agents within displays() to specify

nature of the info that is currently being displayed

[e.g. the watch is currently displaying "the alarm setting" ]


what actually appears on the display

= function of the actual time

internal state of watch (e.g. memory of alarm setting)

and current status of displays()


the agents that maintain the actual values to be displayed

are not all represented in the statechart

To model these need

• a clock() agent

• a stopwatch component

to complement the stopwatch display role

[NB stopwatch continues to function when NOT displayed]

Cf current time set for the alarm:

can be incorporated into the state of the alarm_st() agent – which is already independent of alarm time display role

Also separate power() agent from watch() itself:

power = agent that provides energy to keep the watch alive

use derivate of time to represent the battery charge

=> watch ceases to function after a certain time lapse


A SCOUT-DoNaLD-EDEN implementation

Suggestions for further work

Rough implementation of digital watch & statechart animation:

Three files: digwatch.s, digwatch.e and watchmech.e

• digwatch.s = SCOUT-DoNaLD script

for the visualisation of the watch and statechart

• digwatch.e is the EDEN implementation

of the agents that control the display functions

• watchmech.e is EDEN code that

describes the internal functions of the watch

NB digwatch.e contains the EDEN functions that were used to

generate the visualisation files digwatch.s

Advanced state of development

BUT unstructured incremental design

[ Caution!

Comments can be quite misleading: .NB id_ix

esoteric code for visualisation

not complete program, but partly animated script ]


Possible topics for written and practical work:

• intelligibility

A computer simulation of this complexity normally hard to understand and refine.

How intelligible do you find the SDE model to be?

How helpful is LSD specification in interpreting digwatch.e?

What are qualities / defects of the specification?

How easily can you reverse engineer the model?

For instance, can you supply LSD specifications for the missing components, like the stopwatch?

Can you figure out the (crucial) role played by the filter action (digwatch.e p10) – is this role represented in the LSD specification outlined above?

If not, how would you represent it?

Can you re-organise, document and simplify the program?

cf Ian Bridge's VCCS!

There is an action called markchart on p6 of digwatch.e.

Can you replace this by a piece of definitive script?

I have claimed that you can gain insight by experimenting with extracts the script in isolation.

Can you substantiate / refute this claim?

• nature of the model

How sure can you be that the simulation is faithful?

I have claimed that

• you can confirm faithfulness by judicious experiment

• tracing anomalous behaviour easy, since

variables in the model <--> observations of real watch

Can you verify / refute this? Can you supply formal arguments to justify correctness claims for any component?


• modifiability and enhancement

How easily can you modify the code?

Possible enhancements

• label the states of the statechart,

• add edges to indicate transitions on button selection. • better interface: SCOUT buttons + colour convention

• add update functions for alarm and time

( <--> update and upalarm states in the statechart)

Consider impact on LSD specification / EDEN code

cf affect on statechart if these functions introduced.

set_time() & inc_time() simulate running & setting the watch

Simulation digital watch doesn't presently run in real-time.

Could you link it to the computer system time so that (say) it runs at speed 5 times slower than real-time?

Can you show scope for specifying alternative models by slotting in different pieces of script into the existing model? E.g. can you model a watch with an analogue display?

Statemate is a commercial tool for manipulating statecharts that allows you to construct them via a GUI.

How easy would it be to simulate this type of activity?

• Comparative study

Compare EDEN with (say) an OOP implementation?

How would (say) a C++ implementation be better?

How big would it be?

How far would it resemble the EDEN implementation?

How could EDEN be enhanced for the specification task?

In what respects could the development environment for LSD to SCOUT-DoNaLD-EDEN be improved?



Explain the LSD ....

EDEN translation by hand!

Visualisation aspects: object-oriented flavour