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Interface 2: Implementing 2

 *  This code is from the book:
 *  Winder, R and Roberts, G (1998)
 *  Developing Java Software
 *  John Wiley &XF Sons.
 *  It is copyright (c) 1997 Russel Winder
 *  and Graham Roberts.

import ITest.*;// Needs ITest package

class A implements Example
  // Can have a nested interface
  private interface Local{}

  // Implementation of interface variable
  public void f(int x)
    System.out.println("A:f " + x);

    // Use the interface variables
    System.out.println(Example.f); // Also allowed

    // name is declared in a non public inherited
    // interface and cannot be accessed outside
    // the same package.
    // System.out.println(name); // Error
    // System.out.println(;  // Error

    // interface variables are final so
    // can't do this assignment
    // m = 5; // Error

    // This member class implements a nested interface
    // declared in the interface Example.
    // Why you would want to do this is another
    // matter...
    class NestedClass implements Example.Nested
      public void z()
    NestedClass nest = new NestedClass();

  // Must override g and h as well
  public void g()
    System.out.println("A:g ");

  public int h(int x)
    System.out.println("A:h " + x);
    return x * 2;

class InterfaceTest
  public static void main(String[] args)
    A a = new A();

    Thing t = new Thing();

    // Can't access a nested private interface
    // A.Local l; // Error

Ananda Amatya