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Interface 3: Alarm Clock

 *  This code is from the book:
 *  Campione, Mary and Walwarth, Kathy (1998)
 *  The Java Tutorial Second Edition
 *  Addison Wesley
 *  It is copyright (c) 1998 Mary Campione
 *  and Kathy Walrath.

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;

public class l1Interf3 extends Applet implements Sleeper{
  private AlarmClock clock;

  public void init(){
    clock = new AlarmClock();

  public void start(){
    clock.letMeSleepFor(this, ONE_MINUTE);

  public void paint(Graphics g){
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date date = cal.getTime();
    DateFormat dateFormatter 
		= DateFormat.getTimeInstance();
    g.drawString(dateFormatter.format(date), 5, 10);
  public void wakeUp(){
    clock.letMeSleepFor(this, ONE_MINUTE);

class AlarmClock{

  private static final int MAX_CAPACITY = 10;
  private static final int UNUSED = -1;
  private static final int NOROOM = -1;

  private Sleeper[] sleepers = 
                         new Sleeper[MAX_CAPACITY];
  private long[] sleepFor = new long[MAX_CAPACITY];

  public AlarmClock (){
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CAPACITY; i++)
      sleepFor[i] = UNUSED;

  public synchronized boolean letMeSleepFor(Sleeper s,
                        long time){
    int index = findNextSlot();
    if (index == NOROOM){
      return false;
    } else{
      sleepers[index] = s;
      sleepFor[index] = time;
      new AlarmThread(index).start();
      return true;

  private synchronized int findNextSlot(){
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CAPACITY; i++){
      if (sleepFor[i] == UNUSED)
        return i;
    return NOROOM;

  private synchronized void wakeUpSleeper(int sleeperIndex){
    sleepers[sleeperIndex] = null;
    sleepFor[sleeperIndex] = UNUSED;

  class AlarmThread extends Thread{
    int mySleeper;
    AlarmThread(int sleeperIndex){
      mySleeper = sleeperIndex;
    public void run(){
      }catch (InterruptedException e){}

interface Sleeper{
  public void wakeUp();

  public long ONE_SECOND = 1000;//in milliseconds
  public long ONE_MINUTE = 60000;//in milliseconds
/************* l1Inter3.html **************
<TITLE> GUI Alarm Clock
Here is the output:
<APPLET CODE="l1Interf3.class" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=25>

Ananda Amatya