Main index

Introducing UNIX and Linux

Installing Linux

Starting out
      Collecting information about your system
      Installation options
Single boot
Dual boot
      Booting from CD/floppy
      Booting from your hard disk
      A partitionless install
      A dedicated Linux partition
Installing Linux
      Installer software
      Linux partitioning
            Typical partitions
            User accounts
The window manager
      Desktop help
      The KDE Control Center
      File access and the command prompt

Desktop help

You should familiarise yourself with the on-line KDE Help browser. This can be run by clicking on the KDE Help icon in the KDE panel, or alternatively by clicking on the K icon and selecting KDE Help from the selection menu It is possible to navigate your way around the help system via a set of links and by using the options in the 'Goto' menu and the tool bar.

KDE Help is a valuable source of information. Here you can find all the necessary details about the KDE system, including a short history of KDE should you be interested, and documentation on all the KDE applications, details of which are regularly updated on the complete on-line KDE Help web pages.

In KDE Help there is also a reference to a short tutorial to the K Desktop Environment. It is well worth spending some time working through this tutorial as it is not overly detailed, yet covers most of the important features you will need.

Finally, KDE help is connected to the underlying UNIX help system. You can find out more information about any UNIX commands by selecting 'search' from the KDE file menu.

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck