Main index

Introducing UNIX and Linux

Processes and devices

      Process status
      Foreground and background
      Process control
      Environment variables
      Global and local variables
      Executable scripts
Program control
      Job control
      Command history list
      Running a job at a specific time
      Running programs periodically
      Big programs
      Timing a program
      Running programs in order
Quotes and escapes


Sometimes, redirecting output from a command is not quite what you want to do. If you need to set the value of a variable to be the output of a command, the mechanisms we have already met will not work. As an example, suppose you wished to set a variable YEAR to the current year. We can easily find the current year using date. Either use the formatting argument +"%Y" to date (check this out from the manual page for date), or pipe the output through cut.

date +"%Y"
date | cut -f7 -d' '

However, printing the output of date on your terminal or sending it to a file will not allow it to be on the right-hand side of the equals symbol in an assignment. If you enclose a command in backquotes (`), or alternatively enclose it in $( and ), it is executed and its standard output becomes a string which is then passed to the shell in place of the original command. This is known as command substitution:

YEAR=`date +"%Y"`
YEAR=$( date +"%Y" )

As for double quotes, variable names preceded by a $ symbol will be replaced by their values between backquotes.

Worked example

Reset your shell prompt to the name of the shell followed by a > symbol.
Solution: the variable SHELL holds the name of the shell as an absolute pathname:

echo $SHELL

The command basename can be used to remove the directory portion of a path name, so basename $SHELL will extract the name of the shell you are using. Use backquotes to turn the output from basename into a string, and remember that > and the space, since they are special symbols, must be quoted:

PS1=$( basename $SHELL )"> "

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck