Main index

Introducing UNIX and Linux


The UNIX directory hierarchy
Manipulating files
      Creating directories
      Creating files
      'Dot' files
Protecting files
      File access control
      Changing privileges
File contents
      Text files
      Comparing files
      Filtering files
      Non-text files
Printing files
File archives and file compression
Other relevant commands

'Dot' files

Change to your home directory, and type ls -a ('all') and you will see displayed the names of the files in that directory including some other names that ls on its own does not produce. These 'hidden' files all have names beginning with a dot (.). You will recognise the name of the current directory dot and the parent directory dotdot, but some others will also be there. Typically you may expect .profile, .mailrc and .xinitrc; these files are all used by a UNIX utility to enable you to customise that utility, and many of them end in rc ('run commands'). When a utility requires such a file, the manual page explains what data it should contain. Never delete or edit a dot file unless you know what it should contain, even if it's empty - that's why ls does not normally list them, to prevent you accidentally changing them.

If you wish to access a dot file, the procedure is exactly the same as for any other file - it's just ls that hides them.

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck