Main index

Introducing UNIX and Linux


The UNIX directory hierarchy
Manipulating files
      Creating directories
      Creating files
      'Dot' files
Protecting files
      File access control
      Changing privileges
File contents
      Text files
      Comparing files
      Filtering files
      Non-text files
Printing files
File archives and file compression
Other relevant commands

Changing privileges

A file has precisely one group associated with it; this can be changed to another group by chgrp ('change group'). For instance, suppose our directory has the same contents as before, and recall that we have linked foo and bar, we might have the following dialogue:

ls -l
total 561
-rw-r--r--   1   chris  ugrads      122 Dec 21 18:40 myfile
drwxr-xr-x   2   chris  general     512 Dec 22 14:55 dir1
drwx------   2   chris  general     512 Dec 22 14:55 dir2
-rw-r-----   1   chris  proj       9912 Nov 22 17:55 prog.c
-r-x------   2   chris  general     147 Dec 22 17:56 foo
-r-x------   2   chris  general     147 Dec 22 17:56 bar
chgrp proj foo
ls -l
total 561
-rw-r--r--   1   chris  ugrads      122 Dec 21 18:40 myfile
drwxr-xr-x   2   chris  general     512 Dec 22 14:55 dir1
drwx------   2   chris  general     512 Dec 22 14:55 dir2
-rw-r-----   1   chris  proj       9912 Nov 22 17:55 prog.c
-r-x------   2   chris  proj        147 Dec 22 17:56 foo
-r-x------   2   chris  proj        147 Dec 22 17:56 bar

Note that the other file linked to foo has also had its group changed, and that the access privileges for the file are not changed. chgrp allows one option, -R ('recursive') - with this option, if its file argument is a directory, all files and subdirectories will also have their groups changed.

The above information does not tell us that foo and bar are linked - it merely states that each of those two files has two links (but not necessarily to each other), and that they are the same size and created at the same time (to the nearest second). To check that two files are in fact linked, it is necessary to ask what their inodes actually are, and you should use ls -i as discussed earlier. The options -l and -i can be combined, giving

ls -il

but you may find the output becomes wider than the width of your terminal. Try it!

Similar to chgrp is chown ('change owner'), which has similar syntax, but can be used to change the actual owner of a file. This is an operation you are unlikely to wish to perform, and most systems restrict the command so that only the super-user may use it.

The most frequent change you are likely to make to a file, apart from its actual contents, is to the access privileges; chmod ('change mode') is used for this change. The syntax is chmod followed by a specification of changes to the access permission, followed by a file (or files) the change is to be applied to.

The specification can be done two ways - either the privileges for the user/group/other sets of users can be set, or they can be changed. A character known as a who symbol, which is one of u (user), g (group), o (other) or a (all), or a sequence of who symbols, denotes those users to whom the specification will apply. For instance, go refers to the group and others, but not to the file's owner. The symbol a is a synonym for ugo - this synonym is simply shorthand, as ugo is a very frequently used sequence of who symbols.

Following the sequence of who symbols comes one of +, - or =, followed by zero or more perm symbols (r, w, x or -), which represent permissions to be set or changed for the users specified by the previous who symbols. A + indicates add the permissions, - indicates remove those permissions, and = means set them. For example,

chmod go-w myfile

denies write permission to group and to others,

chmod u+x myfile

gives execute permission to the owner, and

chmod g=r-x myfile

sets group access to r-x, so that users in the file's group are able to read and to execute file myfile, but not write to it.

When a file is created, it has default access privileges that would be set by the system administrator. These can be changed by the user by means of the command umask ('user mask') followed by a string with the same information as for chmod above. For example,

umask u=rwx,g=r,o=

will cause all new files created to have read, write and execute privileges for the owner, but to deny write and execute privileges for the group, and to deny all privileges for others. This state of affairs will continue during the current session until umask is again invoked.

Worked example

Create a file that no-one can read, and confirm that you yourself cannot read it.
Solution: First of all, choose a name for the file (myfile, say) and use cat or vi to create the file. In order to deny read access to everybody, the command is

chmod a-r myfile

with a for all users, r for read, and - to deny. To check that you can't read it, try examining the contents using cat and you should get an error message:

cat myfile
cat: myfile Permission denied

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck