Submit A Paper
Authors are invited to submit full papers with unpublished, original work. Submissions are limited to 10 pages using 10pt fonts in the IEEE format. The 10-page limit includes figures, tables, and your appendices, but does not include references, for which there is no page limit. Reproducibility initiative dependencies (Artifact Description or Computational Results Analysis) are also not included in the 10-page limit.
A separate Late-Breaking Research and Preliminary Techniques stream is also available for authors to submit 5-page papers describing initial research or early first-of-a-kind results (this page limit does not include references but includes all technical content and figures).
All accepted full-length papers (subject to post-review revisions) will be published in the IEEE TCHPC Proceedings.
Initial submissions should be made using the links below. The review process will be double blind, and authors should prepare their papers as such, removing author names and institutes.
[Submit a full paper]
[Submit a short paper]
SC Transparency and Reproducibility Initiative
In line with the main Supercomputing conference, authors are asked to provide an artifact description and an artifact evaluation appendix along with their paper, describing the details of their software environments and computational experiments to the extent that an independent person could replicate their results.
More information on the reproducibility initiative can be found here.