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Network Tools

It is likely that your system is connected to a network, and you may have access to more than one other system. We list some tools which are available for you to move data between those systems, and to remotely connect to and find information about them.

Resource Further information
FTP A common protocol for transferring data between systems, using commands such as ftpand ncftp.
Telnet A protocol for connecting to remote systems via the command telnet.
rlogin A command for connecting to remote systems, similar to telnet.
rcp A command for copying files to a remote system.
SSH - OpenSSH is an open source version of the SSH protocol suite of secure (encrypted) network tools. OpenSSH replaces (for example) rlogin, rcpand ftpby slogin, scpand sftp.
putty - A free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Windows platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. Strictly not a UNIX or Linux utility, but if you have access to a UNIX server and need to connect from a Windows PC it will allow a secure connection.

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck