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Introducing UNIX and Linux

Other Issues

Programming languages
      Programming language resources
Document Preparation
      Document preparation resources
Other Software
Useful Resources
      Web Tools
      Network Tools


This chapter

  • introduces some issues not covered elsewhere in the book;
  • provides a brief description of relevant software packages; and
  • identifies other resources for software, documentation and information relating to UNIX and Linux.

If you have made it this far, it should be clear that UNIX and Linux are very powerful tools that give a large amount of control to the user, and offer a very high degree of flexibility. The previous chapters have covered very many different aspects of UNIX and Linux, ranging from core issues of installing and maintaining the system, through aspects of files, processes and shells, to the more applied side of tools that can be used with UNIX. However, much more can be added to the basic system to increase its power and usefulness dramatically.

This chapter will review some of the things that are important to mention in the context of a general introduction to UNIX and Linux, but which may have had no obvious place in earlier chapters. Inevitably, the contents will be somewhat random, but provide pointers to places to look for further resources.

We give web sites for some of the resources we mention, but you should not forget that your system may have some of them already installed. To find out, see if a man page exists, or check the online documentation provided on the system.

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck